Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Things feel like an RPG

It must be spring break and my extreme boredom which is making me think random crap. However, I've been feeling more and more often that I'm playing and planning out my life like an RPG game. Whenever I think about my future, specifically that of a computer scientist, I'm thinking of things I can do now to better myself later on.

That probably made no sense, but let me try to explain.

Last night, I took out my Java book from the course I took at CCSF and started reading up on arrays. I did so with the intent of re-familiarizing myself with programming so that I can succeed better in Davis.

Today, I touched up on my php/mysql skills by moving my excel workbook on the lab ray into a fully functional webpage. It's cool, but totally worthless. Again, I did so with the intent of bettering myself in the future.

It's all a weird feeling. I guess I just want to ultimately become a better person, but life is feeling more and more like a game. Simply level up, put points in your core skills/attributes and you win the game. I wish there was ATMA or HERO editor to help me though >.<

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